Domain Name Registration Policy
Web Temple, as a member of Premier Partner Program ("WPPP Partner") offered by Web Commerce Communications Limited ("WEBCC"), ICANN accredited domain registrar, for all the Top Level Domain ("TLD") including the Generic Top Level Domain ("gTLDs") and Country Code Top Level Domain ("ccTLD") registration services wholesaler, provides domain name registration services to our Customer.
Web Temple as WPPP Partner, Web Temple makes the best effort via Web Temple Domain Name Management System ("(wt) DNMS") to register, transfer, modify and renew Customer preferred domain name ("Domain Name"). Web Temple does not responsible for the success of the new domain name registration, system errors, or the availability of the preferred domain name.
Domain Name Registrations
Customer may register Domain Name via (wt) DNMS. Web Temple does not responsible for the Domain Name availability, or success of Domain Name registration.
Domain Name Renewal
Customer is fully responsible for maintaining their Domain Name "Active" or "Live" Status in the respective NIC database by keeping timely renewal and re-instatement fees payments with NIC registrars (for .my Domain Name) and adhering to the respective NIC terms and conditions.
Domain Name Transfer
Customer may transfer Domain Name via (wt) DNMS. Web Temple does not responsible for the success of Domain Name transfer from a third-party registrar or registrar service providers to WEBCC, transfer fees that may incurred, or the whole transfer process time frame.
Domain Name Record Modification
Customer may modify Domain Name record or information via (wt) DNMS. Web Temple does not responsible for the success of such modification.
As Customer, you agree to Web Temple Fees, Billing & Service Term Policy. In the event of Domain Name deletion, Web Temple does not responsible for recovery of such Domain Name.
Customer is fully responsible for:
- Timely payment of Domain Name fees.
- Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records in the registrar domain name database for the Domain Name.
- Modification of Domain Name records, or contacts details.
- Modification of DNS of the Domain Name.
Should Customer need further assistance in Domain Name matters, please kindly contact us via email,
[email protected].